Monday, January 24, 2011


I visited some of Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue's adoptable pups today to photograph them for their website today after work. As always, I fell in love with one and will be tormenting myself for the next few days as to whether or not we can handle ANOTHER pet. These dogs are so sweet and deserve good, loving homes! Visit to adopt from, donate to, or foster for this wonderful organization!


Possibly my future "dogger"... Josie


Mikey (SUCH a sweetheart!):

Mike & Sissy:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Holiday Family Session

My Mother-In-Law really wanted some family photos for Christmas this year. So, with her sister and her family in town for the holiday, we had a mini session right behind her house with Chattanooga's snow on the ground. I just have to say, my in-laws are awesome.

                                                                     The whole family




The forever entertaining aunt

                                                                   Some of my favorites

Happy New Year!

This past year was very exciting for me. I had many new experiences, made some amazing new friends, surrounded myself with those that I love, gave back, put myself out there and achieved a dream. I am so very thankful for my loving husband, supportive and faithful father, rock of a mother, hilarious brothers and wonderful extended family and friends. I can only hope 2011 is as good to me as 2010.

I hope you all have a VERY Happy New Year!